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The president of DAMA Spain José Marin-Roig Ramón will open the works of the Data Management Summit 2020

The president of DAMA Spain José Marin-Roig Ramón will open the works of the Data Management Summit 2020

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Spain José Marin-Roig Ramón will open the works of the Data Management Summit 2020

The institutional presence of DAMA Spain highlights the interest of the Data Management Summit in being a reference event in the world of data. For the first time, a forum tries to focus on Data Management as a whole, from governance, through security, cloud, machine learning, data virtualization, and much more. Today we present José Marín-Roig Ramón, President of Dama España

Tell us a little bit about your professional career

I have a Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and I am currently the Director of the Innovation Chair at the Gandia Campus of the UPV. I started my professional career in telecommunications in the 90s working in the private sector and in 97 I founded my own company. After my first steps at the university in 99, I discovered my passion for teaching and research and changed the course of my life. Today I combine my responsibility as a trainer with my sensitivity to the business world.

I am an ideologist and promoter of the Degree in Interactive Technologies, which the UPV launched in 2017 at its Campus of Gandia, a pioneer in Spain both for its contents and for its project orientation and business vocation. 

Currently, I lead the European project o-city.org and I am the president of DAMA Spain, the Spanish chapter of the International Data Management Association, the main international organization for data management professionals. 

What are your challenges, what do you like to do with the data

As president of DAMA, my challenges are basically two:

  • To promote and facilitate the development of the Data and Information Management Culture in Spain.
  • To be the reference for organizations and professionals in Data and Information Management in Spain, to find and provide resources, information, training, education, and knowledge in the field.

And for this DAMA International counts with the help of the value framework of the application of the data in the company reflected in the DMBOK2 and of a certification (CDMP) that distinguishes the professionals of the sector. 

Do you think that companies have an adequate culture to manage data in a different way?

The Spanish business world moves at two speeds. Large companies and even some medium-sized companies have been managing their data professionally for a long time, to a greater or lesser extent. For them, it is a competitive factor. However, there is a sea of SMEs that when you talk about data management basically understand that they already offer products/services online, have their databases, and handle some production data, but nothing of professional management and less data management culture as what it is: another asset of the company. There is still a lot of work to be done in this sense.

What are the most important challenges for CIOs, CDOs, CTOs in 2021?

Without a doubt, the most complicated challenge facing a leader has to do with people. I am referring to the process of “evangelization” when a culture is being implanted whose results are apparently invisible from the perspective of intermediate positions.

In the second place, the formation of a good team of professionals (own or external) who can respond to the real needs of the company. And this may seem apparently simple, but it is not, since the market currently has serious shortcomings in the area of “data management”. 

Last but not least, in an area in constant evolution is the continuous training and the maintenance of a lively and collaborative network of contacts. A good leader cannot be satisfied with just being surrounded by a good team; he or she also needs to be at the forefront of knowledge in the sector.

What do you want to talk about inside the Data Management Summit?

My speech at the DMS2020 will be at the opening ceremony: I will welcome all the Data Management professionals attending, introduce them to the objectives of our organization and ask them to join us in adding value to this exciting project that is now being consolidated in Spain,

From the beginning, you have supported the event. ¿Why?

In fact, the first edition of this event was held at the Gandia Campus of the UPV, my workplace, and we already made a strong bet to make it a success.

I think that this kind of meeting forums is very productive for the data community in Spain, especially at this time as important as the professionalization. The exchange of experiences provides professionals with the knowledge and expands their network of contacts, which is essential to address complex problems such as the implementation of professionalized data management in a business environment or public administration.

Thank you for believing in the DMS from the very beginning. The first edition was the focus of many things, among them the creation of the Dama Spain chapter.

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