• +34.664.85.09.74
  • michele.iurillo@synergo.es
Challenges of data interoperability between public administrations (PA Event)

Challenges of data interoperability between public administrations (PA Event)

The objective is to project on a larger scale the current methodologies, specifications and practices related to information processing, in order to achieve a fluid and continuous data exchange between administrations, industrial sectors and citizens, which generates advantages and opportunities for the different actors involved, and always taking into account the necessary privacy and security considerations. This strengthening of administrative collaboration is materialized in the different public sector data spaces, enhancing the value of data in the development of citizen-centric public programs, policies and services, reducing the bureaucratic burden of administrative processes borne by economic operators and citizens.

What are the main barriers to data sharing? Do we set the barriers ourselves? How can we overcome them?

In the design of public policies? What would it take to cross-reference protected data sets from different agencies?

Is it possible to have a large catalog of datasets from which to take what is needed, how to collect it, with what content, what data could be moved to a central warehouse and what data would reside at its source?

Is all the transactional data that can be served through the EPI already served?

What is the future of the semantic interoperability center and why hasn’t the initiative taken off?

How can you ensure the quality of the data exchanged?

Do you have in mind the development of (or have you developed) analysis projects crossing information from different agencies – have the results gained traction for new projects?

Is there a real management awareness of the importance of the data journey or is it an ICT issue? Does the company know the potential of its data or the external data it could obtain?

Data Management Summit Bilbao 25th October

Data Management Summit Rome 19th September