• +34.664.85.09.74
  • michele.iurillo@synergo.es
Data Management
Data Management Summit Spain Sold Out

Data Management Summit Spain Sold Out

As every year the places in #DataManagementSummit2020 are sold out well in advance.

In a few hours we will send the lucky ones the assigned places.

If you have fulfilled all the requirements in the registration form check your incoming mail to find the welcome message.

Mail header from Michele Iurillo (Data Management Summit)

Reasons for not being among the guests:

  • Attendance to VIPS Invitations by sponsors (not passed the selection process) Vips confirmation will be sent on October 19th
  • Lame or improbable phone number (6000000 or 1234567)
  • Incomplete or inaccurate or inconsistent profile (linkedin shows a different charge than what has been declared)
  • Absence of linkedin profile (it is manadatory we can’t check your role)
  • Profiles not suitable for the event (all profiles not related to the world of data are automatically deleted)

If you think that you have fulfilled all that has been said but you have not received the message of welcome:

  • Check SPAM
  • Check your DMARC Policy and unlock the synergo.com domain

In case you can’t solve it write to the Linkedin group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13751906/

As a last resort write to:


Event Process Explained (Spanish)